Thursday, January 29, 2009

"Technology and Literacy," C. Selfe

Selfe's essay, published ten years ago, sounds a little dated at first. After all, my children and I used public computers in the local library for several years before finally buying a computer for our home. I knew computers were accessible to us, even if not as conveniently as they are right now. I suppose, before I read her article, I could say I assumed that all my present and future students have relatively equal access to technology. True, some cultural things have changed since her text first appeared, but I realized when reading this that many political/societal things remain the same. I never thought about it before--I was one of those who didn't pay attention. I appreciate her reminder that use of and critical thought about technology are not the same thing. However, I still don't know if I'm exercising critical thought; after all, I'm not sure I even know the right questions to ask. I hope that I'm at least beginning to think critically about it.

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