Thursday, January 29, 2009

70s technology?

Thinking about my exposure to various technologies, I immediately recalled 9th grade typing class. We plunked laboriously at awkward manual typewriters: the quick brown fox, etc. My instructor, Miss Crumrine, had been my parents' typing teacher when they were in high school, and I can safely say she never anticipated the kinds of communication available right now. I still remember my first attempts at an electric typewriter--I struggled to stop striking the keys forcefully or hesitating too long on one key (how many times did I type, theeeeee quick brown fox?)

In 1975, as a going-to-college gift, my parents gave me a portable, still manual, typewriter. Came in its own blue plastic suitcase and resembled this one:

I used that machine until I finally owned a computer at home.


  1. I like the picture you use in it. This defintely brings back memory for me. I could still remember the days when I first used the typewriter to practice typing. I had to hit the key so hard to make it work. I was trying so hard that my fingers won't be able to move easily. But it was from that firt experience of typing that I learned to type and later to move to computers.

  2. I'm curious how easy the move from typewriter to computer was for you and when you made it. A college girlfriend of mine learned to type on a manual that her father handed down to her from his college days and every once in a while you'd catch her stop herself from slapping the computer monitor at the end of the line.
