Sunday, January 18, 2009

and so it begins . . .

Hi everyone--I'm Diana.

I decided to use the Blogger site because I was introduced to it in a previous class Dr. Cadle taught. I've kept a personal blog here off and on since that time, tracking some crafting projects I do (making jewelry, crocheting, learning to knit). However, I primarily keep up with other bloggers' craft projects. I've picked up helpful tips and tweaks by doing that.

Blogger seemed very easy to set up the first time, and this time all I had to do was create a separate blog on my existing account. I chose the theme because I like its relative simplicity (without being stark). The muted colors made me think of a summer evening. I'll probably do something a little more creative with the header when I have more time.

I'm looking forward to learning both from the instruction and from each of my classmates this semester.

*The current photo is my daughter, Stephanie, and me.

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